10 Tips for Beginner Drone Pilots - 016
Welcome to drone flying new drone pilots, you have embarked on an exciting journey no matter what type of drone flying you want to do such as, recreational RC park flying, start an aerial photography/videography business, or First Person View (FPV) racing, just to name a few. The world of drone flying in the US is changing dramatically this year with respect to the regulatory scene. In this article we offer 10 tips, mostly flying tips, for new drone pilots. Source: Gary Rosson, Earth View Drone Imaging The later part of the article we will discuss the regulatory side of the equation. Let’s jump in feet first with the Top 10 Tips: 1. Consider hiring a flight instructor or searching out a mentor to learn the basics. One of my best customers said upon our first lesson, “I would rather crash your drone than mine.” It took me a minute to get over this barb, but a selling point is a selling point. In all seriousness, in addition to being under the watchful eye of an instructor or...