
Showing posts from July, 2023

Unleashing the Skies: The Benefits of Environmental Monitoring and Research with Drones - 018

The topic of the environment can be polarizing but I think we can all agree from a general perspective there are practical ways to preserve the Earth for future generations and drones can be part of the solution. These cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing the field of environmental monitoring and research. Among these innovations, drones have emerged as powerful tools in the hands of experienced environmental drone pilots. Offering unparalleled access, versatility, and efficiency, drones are transforming the way we collect data, analyze ecosystems, and address environmental challenges. In this article, we explore the numerous benefits of using drones for environmental monitoring and research, underscoring their potential to enhance our understanding and conservation efforts. Source: Remote Pilot Association (TC Freeman) 1. Unparalleled Access: Drones grant researchers unprecedented access to remote and inaccessible areas, revolutionizing the way data is collected. From dense f...

How to Create Stunning Drone Selfies - 017

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Yes, we have all seen those people that take selfies then realize they have an audience. Some are embarrassed, some give you a look as if to say, “why are you looking at me?”     The natural progression from cell phone selfies is with drones, in fact, there’s a drone for sale dubbed the “selfie drone.” In all honestly, I’m guilty of the occasional cell phone selfie, typically when nobody is available to take my photo near a neat backdrop.  I fall more into the embarrassed category when caught in the act because it seems a little egotistical IMHO. As far as drone selfies, guilty there as well, but it’s usually for a good reason, but “heck to the no” if I’m going to let someone else fly my drone (this is a joke, our flight training clients fly our drones most of the time).    Source: Remote Pilot Association (TC Freeman) The Shot List   What are you trying to accomplish? Just for fun is an accepta...